Frequently Asked Questions
NLLC Membership
NLLC Classes
Homeschool Paperwork

How do I become a member?
Please follow the link below to our Registration Form. Once you submit the form, you will then be redirected to the payment page at PayPal. If the cost is a barrier to becoming a NLLC member please contact us.
Do I need to be onsite with my child?
Yes. NLLC has no paid staff and does not provide supervision. It is vital that all children be accompanied by their parent/guardian or caregiver. Parents are entirely responsible for their children’s safety and well-being at NLLC and associated programs. Every child at NLLC must be accompanied by their parent or by another adult acting as their parent (in loco parentis).
Can I bring younger siblings? What if the younger child won’t sit quietly and I need to be in the room with my older child?
Siblings who are younger than the age minimum of the class are welcome at NLLC. We have a waiting space where younger children can play quietly while their siblings are in class. Each class leader decides whether siblings younger than the age minimum of the class are welcome in the classroom. If a leader is unable to accommodate younger siblings, but a parental presence is required in the classroom, some families make arrangements to share supervision of each other’s children when they are in different locations on site. For example, one parent may watch two toddlers on the playground while the other parent attends a program with two older children. All such arrangements are made by agreement between two willing parents.
What classes are available for my child’s age group?
A listing of current programs can be found here. Each program provides a description of the appropriate age range or skill level.
Is there a way to be involved with the NLLC community if you are not a member?
At the moment, no. NLLC has undergone several changes in the past few years that have greatly reduced the price of membership and limited the amount of volunteer time needed to run the organization. With those changes, membership is the only option we can offer at this point. Become a member here.
What if my child is interested in a program but does not fall into the age range specified?
Please contact the leader of the program to ask for special permission. Leaders have sole discretion in determining exceptions to the age range.
What is the organization’s refund policy?
NLLC does not offer class refunds once the first day of the session begins. Membership refunds are handled on a case-by-case basis.
What is the policy on sickness?
At this time we are no longer requiring indoor masking- but we encourage you to make the right choice for you and your family. We also request that if anyone in your family is ill to consider rejoining classes once everyone is well again.
How do I enroll my child in classes?
Accept the email invitation to join the Northern Light Core listserv.
Consult the listserv, events, and classes to learn what classes will be offered in the next session, and when enrollment will open.
You will receive an email with instructions when the Enrollment Period has opened. Classes often fill quite quickly, so be sure to register your child as soon as possible.
What are NLLC’s policies and procedures for cancelling class due to weather?
NLLC follows the ICSD school-closing schedule when there are weather conditions that could make driving hazardous. However, if ICSD is closed for other reasons (for example, cold weather or school holidays), then NLLC will generally remain open. If there is any ambiguity, the Board will send a clarifying email. Regardless of whether ICSD closes, Class Leaders are free to cancel class whenever weather conditions in their area preclude them from safely traveling into Ithaca. In this event, it is the Leader’s responsibility to email their class as soon as they know that class will be canceled.
Can I list Northern Light Learning Center classes on my homeschool paperwork?
Yes, but for only up to half of the required hours. See the New York State homeschooling regulations for more information. Other NLLC parents can be a great source of information and advice about navigating the homeschool regulations.
Can I visit your site and sit in on a class before I join as a member?
Yes, you are most welcome to sit in on a class. Please contact us to schedule a time to visit.