Northern Light Spring 2025 Session
Spring session classes will run on Fridays, Mar. 21 – May 9, 2025.
NLLC is not a drop off program, but an opportunity to co-create a community for your whole homeschooling family.
2025 Spring Session Important Dates:
- Wed. Mar. 12th 11:45am – Class Leaders Early Register
- Fri. Mar. 14th 10:45am – Open Class Registration for membership.
- Fri. Mar. 21st – First Day of Spring Classes
- Fri. May 9th – Last Day of Spring Classes

Register to become a NLLC co-op member (Once per year)
Already a Member? Register for classes through the Member’s Portal, or the link you were emailed. (Starting Friday 3/14)
If the cost is a barrier to becoming a NLLC member or attending classes, apply for a scholarship.
2025 Spring Class Descriptions
Classes have a base $15 fee to help cover rent. Some classes also have materials fees collected.
(There's no $15 fee for Morning Singing or Community Circle. Just show up!)
Class Name | Class Time & Room | Ages | Material Fee | Class Description |
Morning Singing | 9:00-9:25 Gym | All are Welcome | Free class | This can be a beautiful way to start the day, as we will sing simple chants and songs from around the world in a very open and perfection-free way-- so please come! We will make a circle around a candle and sing as the day begins-- how cool is that? Led by Jay L. |
Code++ | 9:00-10:30 DeWitt Mall | 9+ and adult participants are welcomed | $78 | Registrants will be involved in finishing multiple small projects start to end growing in difficulty and length as time progresses. Responsibilities will be segmented and broken up into tasks then assigned to students. We will work at times as a group, pairs or individually. The program revolves around learning all aspects of building a web application. Frontend - The visually aspect of a web application (Design, logos, layout) Backend - The data aspect of a web application (Database, Logic) Devops - The infrastructural aspect of building a web application (Hosting, deployment) Coding Languages included in curriculum: Javascript, Mysql, Node, Php, Bash If you have a laptop, feel free to bring it with you. Bio: Wilmer has more than 20 years of experience building large web applications for prominent companies such as Ogilvy and Mather, Macys Corp, Doritos and many more. He initially started as a motion designer working with Adobe Flash and Adobe After effects then expanded his skill set to web development building sites and architecting infrastructures that allow web applications to scale and maintain millions of users. To simply put it, I have a passion for simplifying complexity. Programming has given me the opportunity to express my ability to articulate complex concepts within a simple, human understandable context. I believe everything regardless of its complexity all derives from a similar logic, that with the understanding of a handful of concepts can be broken down and easily understood. I will end with an exchange me and a colleague had many years ago. With confusion in my eyes, I asked “How do you know when you’ve reached a senior level”. With no hesitation, he responded with “When everything starts looking the same”. This class is hosted by Gini V. and is being led by, Wilmer Abreu, an outside instructor. This class will be held off-site at the Offices at the DeWitt Mall (Dewitt Mall, 215 N Cayuga St. Ithaca) |
Art Cards: A Journey Through The Mind | 9:30-10:25 Class Room A | 9+ | NA | Take a step into the world of your subconscious with art cards. Art cards are interpretations of dreams, snippets of reality cut from magazines and reconfigured to express out innermost thoughts and feelings. The elements and principles of design are utilized in addition to color theory to impress an understanding of successful art. Students will be encouraged to cut and paste to unleash their inner magic. Will you create a man made of vegetables and bread simply titled "vegetable juice"? Or will you portray the internal struggle of a person wondering if they are a train? Blank cards and supplies will be provided, but students may bring their own magazines too. Each week a theme will be presented, such as "oonis", which students can interpret and follow however they want. They are also more than welcome to pursue their own inspiration. We hope you will join us for this exciting journey. Students must be interested in the topic and make something every week. Students can talk and laugh with their friends while making cards but no shouting or interrupting anyone. Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led by Allison B. and Student Leaders: Nadia H. 15, Walter H. 13, and Pete H. 11. |
Artistic Adventures 3-8 | 9:30-10:25 Class Room B | 3-7 | $11 | Come join us in exploring different art mediums and create your own amazing artwork! We plan to explore sculpture, monoprinting, nature art, collage, clay work and more! This class is geared for kids ages 3 to 8 years old and may require parental assistance in helping the youngest with their art projects. Siblings should be quietly engaged in their own activity (unless signed up for the class) Led Gini V. Ananda B. Amanda S. and Sara T. |
Geography Journey - The Final Frontier | 9:30-10:25 Class Room C | 7-9 | $1.50 | Grab your passport and join us to learn more about the world that we live in! We’ll continue making our way through the countries of Asia. In this session we’ll finally get to Oceania and complete our circumnavigation of the globe!! Through the session, as a class we’ll travel over land, taking boats as necessary, going through country by country as they are today. In addition to learning about specific countries we’ll learn about maps and different landforms. Each week (not the first one) kids will choose a country that they will do some research on, draw the flag and be prepared to give a brief presentation to the class to share what they learned. This class will be great for folks who want to continue from last session and also very welcoming and accessible for new students. Please bring a folder. Curious kids who can gather information, present it to the group and listen actively to other presenters. Parents may be required to help younger children fully particiapte Led by Margaret S. |
Exercise & Movement | 9:30-10:25 Gym | 3-6 | NA | This gym class will expose littles to exercises and movement to support their developing bodies and minds. We will cover lots of ways to move our bodies including traditional exercises, obstacle courses, games like Simon says, as well as creative movement. there will also be time near the end for open play. Please wear loose clothing and sneakers. Parents are encourage to stay in the room but siblings should be quietly engaged in their own activity (unless signed up for the class) Led by Megan McD |
The History of Rock and Roll: the 70s and 80s | 9:30-10:25 Gym Annex | 11+ | NA | In this class we will explore the development of "rock" music during the 70s and 80s. We will listen to recorded music and will also sing ourselves (with guitar accompaniment). We will also discuss social and political events of those decades and how they were reflected in the music. It will not be possible to cover all the music of these decades, but among the artists we will explore are Michael Jackson, ABBA, Pink Floyd, Queen, U2, Bruce Springsteen. We'll also study punk rock in the UK and USA and the beginning of rap. That's the goal! The instructor will be absent May 9th. Led by Jay L. |
Writing Workshop | 9:30-10:25 Kitchen | 9+ | $5 | The Writing Workshop will support students through the writing process from idea development, outlining, drafting, revision, editing and publishing. Each week students will be offered a quiet writing space. Students will move through the writing process at their own pace supported with one-on-one conferences with class leaders or peers. A few students will share their work each week. Students can publish their work at the end of the session. For students seeking more writing support, weekly writing games and activities will be presented and opportunities for students to co-author pieces will be provided. For students of any age; emergent writers can participate with a parent partner. This is a class for independent writers craving dedicated time to write. Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Each student should have their own writing journal. Led by Shannon O'C, Jeannette DeV, and Michael McA |
Handwork | 9:30-10:25 Lunch Lounge | All are Welcome | NA | Bring your knitting/crochet/mending/embroidery/finger knitting/needle felting or other handwork activity of choice and work on it in the company of your friends. We can inspire each other with our projects, share skills and ideas, and enjoy visiting all the while. I knit and am happy to teach that. I would love crochet guidance if anyone wants to teach me. I know I’m not the only one who was super impressed with Liz H’s knee patch, and I imagine I’m not the only one with a collection of clothes that would still be useful if only I took a moment to mend them. Let’s take that moment together! You should have a handwork project either already underway or picked out to work on. We can share ideas and materials as we go, but come prepared with something to work on and an enthusiasm for working in a social setting. If you are interested in learning how to do needle felting with Molly, please consider purchasing this kit from the bellow link ahead of the class. Parents may be required to help younger children fully participate. Led by Marie DeM and Molly F. |
The Art of Lettering & Design | 09:30-10:25 Ping Pong Room | 9-13 | $8 | Let's create art with letters! Practice your cursive writing skills while learning the basics of pen and brush lettering. We will be infusing calligraphic works of art with watercolor, pen, drawings and design. Topics included will be practicing brush lettering alphabet and strokes, favorite words, inspirational quotes, monograms, logo design, mail art and keeping an inspirational sketchbook. The ideal student will want to hone in on their hand writing skills in a creative way through use of calligraphic art. Skills to learn or enhance are: hand writing, letter art, cursive, calligraphy, brush lettering, design, color theory. Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Students are required to bring their own materials and paper. I will have a list I will send out in an email of the required materials, but an example of required materials will be: Koi Coloring Brush Pens, Marker Paper, Sketchbook Led by Alicia S. |
Seasonal Sprites | 10:30- 11:25 Room C | 3-6 | $5 | A seasonal exploration that involves music, movement, storytelling, and a thematic craft. While mostly aimed at ages three to six, everyone is welcome. Each day we will explore a new topic through a familiar rhythm of opening, weekly verse, movement or fingerplay, story, seasonal craft, and a goodbye. Nature centered story, music, and movement driven kiddo from three to sixish. Parents may be required to help younger children fully particiapte Led by Ash F. |
Physics Phun: Experiments with Matter, Forces and Energy | 10:30-11:25 Class Room A | 7-9 | $2 | Come learn about physics fundamentals with hands on experiments. Let's explore density, Newton's laws, friction, and more! Each week well practice using the scientific method to observe, collect data, make hypotheses, and conclusions. The ideal student is interested in learning new things and was to doing things. They have the ability to listen, follow directions, and work with others to take turns. Kids should bring a folder to hold papers handed out in class. Parents may be required to help younger children fully participate. Led by Liz H. and Margret S. |
Artistic Adventures 9+ | 10:30-11:25 Class Room B | 9+ | $7 | Come join us in exploring different art mediums and create your own amazing artwork! We plan to explore sculpture, monoprinting, nature art, collage, clay work and more! This class will be geared towards kid 9+. Parental assistance is greatly appreciated! Siblings should be quietly engaged in their own activity (unless signed up for the class) Led Gini V. Allison B. Sara T. and Debra L. |
Let's Experiment | 10:30-11:25 Gym | 3-7 | $5 | We will be working with different scientific ideas each week and testing them out for ourselves. Testing slopes with race cars; exploring different types of chemical reactions (baking soda and vinegar volcanoes anyone?); playing with color theory as we mix play dough; and building electrical circuits. Orion will lead the scientific explanation and I will lead the hands on activities. We are looking for kids who love to explore. Listening to a five minute 'lecture' or short story to explain the weekly concept, would be ideal. Having the ability to follow instructions and play within the activity would be great! Parents and siblings are encouraged to join in the class activities. We may ask parents to bring some items from home to help get the experiments to work. Led by Elena M. and Student leader Orion M. 15 |
Game Design Club | 10:30-11:25 Gym Annex | 9+ | NA | Get creative with us, and explore the world of games! We’ll start the session with a series of game design challenges (create your own game using a deck of cards, invent a math based game, a word game using scrabble tiles, a game that incorporates movement, etc.). We’ll work on the games at home, then bring them in to test out with the group so that we can refine our ideas (did the game play dynamics work well? How was the pacing? Would the game work better if played cooperatively or competitively?). After we’ve completed a series of weekly challenges, we can spend the last few weeks of the session working as a group (or several groups) to make one (or several!) more refined games, possibly including custom cards/boards/game pieces if we’re feeling creative! A notebook would be helpful for recording ideas. This club would be ideal for students who can work on a project independently at home, and then share their work with the group. Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led by Johanna B. and Student leader Eli Brown, 11. |
Unlocking Sunflowers | 10:30-11:25 Kitchen | 11+ | $10 | Dive into the world of sunflowers with this engaging class designed for ages 10+. This cross-curricular exploration weaves together nature, math, history, art, and more—uncovering the hidden connections that make our world so incredible. From the mesmerizing patterns in sunflower seeds to their surprising role in history and ecosystems, this class is built to capture attention and inspire curiosity. The ideal student is one who is curious, enjoys hands-on activities, and willingness to participate in a variety of group sizes. Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led by Susanne Q. and Darcy R. |
Whose Town is it Anyway? | 10:30-11:25 Lunch Lounge | 10-13 | NA | In this class we will read Thornton Wilder’s Our Town aloud as a group and complete a variety of activities to get a deeper understanding of the text and the time period in which it’s set including but not limited to: class discussions skit writing and performing examining art works from the time period reading historical accounts doing research Class 1: read Our Town Class 2: read Our Town Class 3: finish Our Town and class discussion Class 4: break into groups to work on scripts (homework) Class 5: finish scripts and rehears skits Class 6: performance Class 7: read an article about American history during this time period 1901-1913 (homework: each student will research a topic and bring info to share, resources will be provided) Class 8: class discussion on the subjects everyone researched. This class is intended for students 10+ who enjoy or are willing to read out loud, who can write independently or with accommodations and can work in a small group. There will be homework several times throughout the class but not every week. Research will be completed on the Smithsonian website, the New York historical society website and through articles provided. Everyone will need to have their own copy of Our Town Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led Jeanette DeV and Rachel T. |
Tween/Teen Hangout | 10:30-11:25 Ping Pong Room | 11+ | NA | This is a place where teens can hang out, get creative, listen to music, play games, collaborate on art projects, go to the library, take gorge hikes and/or walks around town. We will discuss ideas the first day of class and go from there. Students should be self led and bring supplies from home if they plan to do project work. Want to hangout with other teens!! Parents and younger siblings are asked to remain in the waiting area Led by Chelsea L. |
Foods that Changed the World | 11:30- 12:25 Kitchen | 11+ | NA | Come find out the history, natural history, science and taste some of the foods that have made an impact on our world. Salt, spices, tea, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, cacao. Each week we will research and bring in food to share based on the ingredient we are studying that week. This class is for food lovers who are interested in knowing more about the complex stories of some of our everyday ingredients. Be prepared to research each ingredient and often bring in a dish to share incorporating the ingredient of the week. Be prepared to bring in foods to share Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led by Liz H. and Sara T. |
Games Playing Club | 11:30- 12:25 Ping Pong Room | All are Welcome | NA | Join us to play some fun board/card games together! We will bring lots of games to choose from each week, and have one or two planned to learn and play together. Participants are encouraged to bring their own games to share as well, and are welcome to teach the group new games. Bring your favorite games, if desired (No screen-based games please). Anybody who would like to play games 🙂 Is welcome. Parents may be required to help younger children fully particiapte Led by Nora B. |
Puppet Creators Guild | 11:30-12:25 Class Room C | 7+ | $5 | In this class we will explore the magical art of puppetry, including sock puppets, shadow puppets, and more. We will begin by learning hand-mouth coordination and improv games, to spark the personality of our future puppets. Do they have an accent? An odd trait? Then we will spend a few classes making our sock puppets. Will your puppet have glasses? A mustache? Will your puppet be a snowman and have none of those thing? Depending on time, we may create a shadow or marionette-style puppet. We will spend a few sessions creating puppet shows in small groups. Class participants will decide the theme. On the last day we will do the puppet shows. Parents will come early to see our masterpiece. Students should feel comfortable working with hot glue guns. Any glue guns/sticks that can be contributed would be welcome. Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led by Emily P. Student leader Fern P. |
Quads | 11:30-12:25 Gym | 9+ | NA | We will mostly be playing games while doing quads. Games like keeper of the key, red-light-green-light, and statues. We may even make up our own games. We will also plan an obstacle course for the end of classes. We will mostly be playing games while doing quads. Games like keeper of the key, red-light-green-light, and statues. We may even make up our own games. We will also plan an obstacle course for the end of classes. This class may end-up outside, so please wear weather appropriate layers! It would be great to have people who have already taken quads earlier this year. But if you are really interested and ready to jump in, regardless of skill level, you are welcome to join. Parents and younger siblings are asked to remain in the waiting area. Though if we wind up off site, an secondary adult will be necessary. Please make sure that you are wearing clothing that you can move in. Foot ware is tricky, if it's too cold to be bear foot- have grippy socks or shoes that are really flexible in the sole/toes. Also- quads is a lot of hard work- bring a water bottle! Led by Elena M. and Student leader Cadence M. |
Puzzling Pros | 11:30-12:25 Gym Annex | 7+ | $5 | Each week students will engage in a variety of easy/medium/difficult puzzles that will cover spatial reasoning, math puzzles, logic puzzles, word games and 2-player NIM inspired games. We will brainstorm solving strategies and make puzzles for each other. This is a class for puzzling fans, young and old. Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led by Shannon O'C |
Me on the Map | 11:30-12:25 Lunch Lounge | All are Welcome | $10 | An introduction to geography and social studies that provides an overall picture for how we can fit into the larger world. Each week we will expand our circles of knowledge as we move from learning about home, street, city, state, country, continent, and planet through picture books, games, crafts, and activities. The culminating project will be creating a page all about ourselves to share with the class. The ideal student for this class is every student! We welcome all, and can modify activities accordingly. Older students willing to help/assist with younger students are especially encouraged. Parents may be required to help younger children fully particiapte Led by Amanda S. |
Picture Books and Playground | 11:30-12:25 Playground | 0-7 | NA | We will meet at the playground/picnic table. Everyone is invited to bring a different picture book each week (no problem if you forget or don’t want to bring one), and I will read them aloud. Kids can listen to stories, and have plenty of time for free play on the playground! I might also throw in some simple movement games, if there is interest. Make sure to dress for the weather! (depending on the time the class ends up being scheduled, it could be a good opportunity to have lunch as well, while listening to stories) This is a very relaxed class, perfect especially for younger kiddos and anyone who enjoys picture books and unstructured playtime outdoors. Parental involvement, presence not required, but will probably be helpful for the younger kids. Led by Tali F. |
Math Class | 11:30-12:25 Room A | 7+ | $5 | This class will be a continuation of the math class from Winter Session, but anyone may join. We will be learning about fractions and decimals, and how to calculate their results using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). I will start each class with a bit of lecture and then we will work through a worksheet together. So please bring a PENCIL!! Anyone who is interested in this level of math, able to fill out their own worksheet, and able to sit through 50 minutes of work. Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led by Tamar C. |
Philisophical Thought Experiments | 12:30-13:25 Lunch Lounge | 11+ | NA | Gain new perspectives on life's big questions by diving into philosophical thought experiments. Through guided discussions and debates, we’ll explore classic and contemporary puzzles such as the famous trolley problem, delving into the ethical dilemmas they present. We’ll express our ideas, question assumptions, and consider multiple perspectives while developing critical thinking and analytical skills. This will improve our ability to articulate and defend our views and help foster a deeper understanding of philosophical and ethical concepts and their real-world applications. The ideal student is an inquisitive, open-minded, and mature young thinker with an interest in exploring deep questions about life and ethics and a willingness to respectfully express and defend their ideas while participating in thoughtful discussions and debates. They should be equipped with basic critical thinking skills and ready to calmly discuss complex philosophical topics and consider different viewpoints. Led by Kai B. |
Secret Language Club | 12:30- 1:20 Class Room B | 7+ | $2 | Imagine having a secret language that you could speak with other homeschoolers without other people understanding you. The language is called Toki Pona (meaning the “good/simple language”). Created in 2001, there are thousands of people around the world who speak the language. The language only has 137 words and a simple grammar, making it very easy to learn. It’s also a very creative language that involves finding creative ways to describe things (e.g., calling a helicopter a “sky machine”). We’ll also teach you matching hand signs to more easily learn and use the language. (The hand signs will also make silent communication possible when needed – maybe on secret missions….) Through interactive games, drawing activities, and memorization techniques, you’ll learn the vocabulary and practice speaking Toki Pona. We’re also hoping to record some videos in Toki Pona! Another reason to learn Toki Pona: it will make it much easier to learn any other language!! We’ll talk in class about how you can also use Toki Pona to learn to speak ANY other language more quickly and easily. Ideal student: - You'd enjoy having a special language to share with friends (and family…) - You have basic reading and writing skills (enough to read and write simple Toki Pona words) - You're curious about learning new languages - You like finding creative ways to express yourself - You're interested in learning both spoken words and hand signs - You’re willing to practice in between classes Parents are welcome to participate in the class (the more people learning it, the more people to practice with…)! And if you’re a parent who has always wanted to learn to speak a language, this is a great way to do it – you’re welcome to join solo even without a child taking the class (just email to let me know you’ll be coming). Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led by Matt J. and Student leader Nidav J. |
Yearbook Committee | 12:30-1:20 Class Room A | All are Welcome | NA | We will be working with a Canva template to insert photos and writing to create a 2024-2025 NLLC Yearbook. Additional tasks will be fundraising to help cover the cost of printing our books. An ideal student has an interest in working with an online template, taking photos, creating a fund raising activity. Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. This class will be 7 weeks beginning March 28 Led by Shannon O'C and Student leader Sage D.V.K, 10 |
Pop Star Sensations Singing Class | 12:30-1:20 Class Room C | 9-13 | NA | We will choose a song each week to sing together to practice our vocal tone and have fun. Solo's plus choruses included, with a wide variety of styles including pop, alternative rock, electro, folk, rap. Please bring a water bottle, printed song lyrics. The ideal student is anyone who wants to sing in a group and learn some new music to sing to. Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led by Alicia S. and Student Leader Leona S. |
Creative Dance | 12:30-1:25 Gym | 3-7 | NA | Come explore stories through movement and dance! Each class will start with a simple warm up, followed by some fun dance games or a story which the kids can “act out”. Ideal students for this class are interested in dance and movement arts, but no experience is necessary. Wear heavy socks, ballet slippers or regular slippers Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led by Sara T. and Student leader Djuna C. |
Piece by piece: Fun with jigsaw puzzles | Has been Cancled | |||
AURORA Film Co-op Phase 3 | 12:30-1:25 Ping Pong Room | 21 | $5 | In AURORA Film Co-op Phase 3, we’ll practice some other skills, such as graphic design, event planning/hosting, and editing if needed! We’ll plan and host the ultimate screening of the AURORA films at the end of the school year! Activities/Skills we’ll learn: • How to host • Editing a teaser • Graphic Design • Poster/Advertisement Making • Facilitating a Screening Members of Aurora Film Co-op from any previous session are welcome. You can also join if you want to help with the screening and promotion even if you weren't in the co-op before. Computers may be helpful for graphic design and event promotion. Parents and younger siblings are asked to remain in the waiting area. Led by Shira E. and Student leader Lion E. 11 |
Environmental Science | 13:30 (1:30)-2:25 Gym | 9-11 | $5 | Environmental Science as it is and has been. Each week we will read through topics on our surrounding environment. Such as: our lakes/watersheds, conservation, pollution, geology and surrounding minerals, indigenous peoples before us and their mindful ways of living, food webs and local animal species. I aim to have us building little nature journals along the way. We may watch a short video on topics discussed and/or we may be doing a small craft towards the end of each day. A student in this class should be anyone. Everyone has a love for nature. But everyone also has something to learn from it. Parents and younger siblings are asked to remain in the waiting area. Led by Kristen M. |
Activism Club | 13:30 (1:30)-2:25 Gym Annex | All are Welcome | $5 | Do you want to collaborate with your friends to take action on issues you care about like climate change, immigrant rights, LGBTQ rights, and anti-racism? This is a cooperative class where parents and kids will work together on activist projects that we choose. We will welcome kids of all ages and Nora and Johanna have offered to help lead projects especially for the younger activists! Possibilities are endless, but some project ideas include: -Painting social justice murals -Making protest signs -Making posters, buttons, stickers -Writing letters to elected officials -Making documentaries -Making zines -Writing songs and/or chants -Researching issues we care about -"Theatre of the Oppressed" games We will also have opportunities to share with each other about previous activist experiences, successes, and challenges and provide emotional support as needed! All parents and kids are welcome who want to take action to make the world a better place. Parents may be required to help younger children fully participate Previous participants in Activism Club, Social Justice Murals Class and "Monday Thing" are especially encouraged to continue and expand upon your activist projects. Led by Shira E. Johanna B. and Nora B. |
Scientific Illustration | 13:30 (1:30)-2:25 Lunch Lounge | 11+ | $10 | As creative individuals we will be exploring the world around us and attempting to replicate it. We will be working on developing one's ability to notice detail and render it: strengthening one's hand-eye-brain coordination. We will draw from life, images, and video depending upon scale. Exploring plants, animals, and minerals in their natural habitat in actual size, and then zoom-in to see if we can also draw their cellular structure. For example we will select plants to draw, from seed to bloom. Then we will take a look at slides through a microscope and draw their cellular structure as well. We will be focused in on two-denominational media, including watercolor, pen & ink, as well as color pencil and marker. We will also look at the work of artists who pushed scientific study and artists who are inspired by the cutting edge of scientific exploration. Working independently and quietly would be ideal; leaning into the box (rules) to understand what a goal is, only to break the box from the inside to exceed your own expectations. Led by Elena M. |
Queer Book Club | 13:30 (1:30)-2:25 Ping Pong Room | 10+ | $6 | This is a class for all Queer/questioning and supporting allies to come and read books with LGBTQIA+ main characters. Class participants will be able to select a queer novel or graphic novel of their choice every week from the books available at TCPL or bring something of their own. We will have a optional craft every class that is pride related while we talk about the reading we did. This is a safe space for Queer/questioning people to be fully who they are. If possible can you please bring a queer snack this is a book club after all (All and any snacks classify also please have it be vegetarian) This is a space for Queer/questioning people and supporting allies only. The ideal person for this class is someone who can be quiet and calm in class as well as focus while we talk. Parents and younger siblings are asked to remain in the waiting area. Led by Sharon C and Student leader Rowan C. 11 |
Social Committee | 13:30 (1:30)-2:25 Kitchen | All are Welcome | $10 | Join a group of party planners and fun initiators. We will plan for our spring activities - A Learning Fair, Seabreeze Field Trip & NLLC Summer Camp 2025. We will also identify other opportunities for group fun. The ideal student can listen to peers and share their own ideas. Parents and (quietly self engaged) siblings are welcome to stay in the room but are not required to stay. Led by Shannon O'C, Susanne Q, and Gini V. |
Community Circle | 14:30 (2:30)-2:45 | All are Welcome | Free class | Are you yearning to connect with the NLLC community and have fun together? Do you miss seeing some of your friends because you're in different classes? Have you ever wondered what kind of silly things 100 people can do in a circle? I'm bringing back the community moment as a chance for us to connect as a group later in the NLLC day, especially for those of us unable to get to Morning Singing in time. We'll use this 10-15 minutes at the end of the day to move our bodies, make some noise, learn something cool and share important announcements. If you have an idea for a short fun activity that you want to do with the whole group, let me know! Let's make this fun and cooperative 🙂 All ages and energy levels welcome! |